
Elementary school program

  • Date created

    23 May 2023

  • Last updated

    12 July 2023

  • Students


  • Room

    5 (CP to CM2)

Year 2 to 6, structured lessons are planned for the week to progress at the pace of each child in order to give them a solid foundation for entering middle school. Our programs have three fundamental objectives valid for all classes :


For learning to read, the syllabic method is practiced (letters, then syllables, then words). Grammar and conjugation are learned in a very academic and classic way: rules, application exercises and learning of exceptions. Four prepared dictations per week and on the last day a control dictation. The vocabulary encountered in the texts of our great French authors (P. LOTI, G de MAUPASSANT, E. ZOLA, J. RENARD, R. BAZIN, A. FRANCE, etc.) is rich and varied.Written expression allows children to develop their creativity while learning to master different writing styles and exercising their syntax and vocabulary.


In arithmetic, numeration is very thorough in the early grades. Mental calculation is a daily exercise. Mathematical reasoning is integrated and the problems proposed will be increasingly difficult.

Our students could register for French national competitions, such as the Kangourou competition.


Discover the world


events are learned chronologically and major historical landmarks are given to children. The program covers all periods, from prehistory to the Fifth Republic.


first a lesson in terminology (for example, learning the vocabulary of the terrain: cliffs, plateaus, causses, plains, etc.) then the discovery of France, in particular its regions, its rivers and their tributaries.

science and technology

En S.V.T : l’étude des végétaux, des minéraux et des animaux permet aux enfants d’aborder le raisonnement structuré, à travers la classification. Le corps humain et les grands phénomènes naturels seront également étudiés.
En sciences : les sources d’énergie, les objets techniques, l’air qui nous entoure avec la mise en place de la démarche d’investigation. (https://www.fondation-lamap.org/)


with the themes of French society, its institutions, the constitution, religions, education, human rights, etc.

Horaires de classe

  • Monday - Tuesday - Thursday - Friday 8h à 16h30
  • Wednesday 8h à 12h
  • Extracurricular 12h à 17h
  • 5 rue des Entrepreneurs
  • 68300 Saint-Louis
  • 09 86 77 07 33 / 06 73 74 13 04
  • contact@ei3f.com