Informations et programme
Informations et programme
Informations et programme
Informations et programme
Informations et programme
Informations et programme
Information and program
Information and program
Information and program
An adapted structure and reduced numbers to accommodate children from 3 years old
Une structure adaptée et des effectifs réduits pour accueillir des enfants à partir de 3 ans
Une structure adaptée et des effectifs réduits pour accueillir des enfants à partir de 3 ans
Pedagogical partnership with Cours Legendre AD (for primary) and Hattemer Academy (for kindergarten) which belong to the Globeducate group.
Hatter Academy
At the end of the 19th century, Rose Hattemer, a teacher from Alsace, taught French in Paris to the young children entrusted to her care. A tutor in several families, her success is matched only by her fame. Faced with ever-increasing demands, Mademoiselle Hattemer is quite naturally led to teach groups of children at home. His pedagogy: establish a program for each child and work on his intelligence.A unique, approved and proven teaching method, focused on mastering the fundamental disciplines and the diversity of the subjects taught. It provides children with flawless intellectual development. It strives to develop aesthetic and human sensitivity, general culture, curiosity and openness to the world.
For more than 50 years, Cours Legendre and Hattemer Academy have been committed to the service of pedagogy and the academic success of children. To respond to the uniqueness of each child, through his personality, his pace of learning, his aspirations… personalized support towards academic success. Our 2 partners now belong to the Globeducate group ( the start of the school year (and if possible at registration), our educational team will carry out a diagnosis of your child’s situation with you.
Languages taught from the Petite Section:
If the parents wish, language certifications can be put in place (Cambridge, etc.) knowing that it will always depend on the individual project of each child and even Chinese teaching thanks to our educational partner Les Cours Legendre EAD from the CM1.
The expectations will be those of the French Ministry of National Education
28 hour lesson
7 weeks separated by 2 weeks vacation
Complies with that of the Academy of Strasbourg (zone B)
The educational materials will be those of Hattemer Academy and the Cours Legendre AD and each student will have a nominative booklet for French, mathematics and the discovery of the world which will follow them throughout the term and which will allow you to monitor your child daily since this support also contains homework, lessons to learn and important instructions for the child and parents. The teaching instructions appear clearly and the parents are informed of the expectations and the skills to be acquired.
For the other disciplines, project pedagogy will be put forward:
theatre, world cuisine, eco-school project.
Meditation will bring children more, relax better to learn better.
Each child will progress at his own pace by discovering the joy of learning and this through the use of a set of pedagogies adapted to the notion that must be transmitted (use of the abacus, legos in mathematics, etc.) which will allow the setting put in place a personalized educational success plan for each child.
With optimal teaching conditions: groups of a maximum of 15 students and the establishment of flexible seating.
Example timetable
28 hours per week
5 rue des Entrepreneurs
68300 Saint-Louis
09 86 77 07 33
06 73 74 13 04